Saturday, November 05, 2016

Gardening Growth

I'm so delighted with how the garden is growing! It's gone from this:

To this:

So much green! I'm joyous when I look at it. Such growth! Such abundance! I sigh satisfied sighs of contentment when I look at it.

Let me walk you through what is there. Bottom right of the garden and going clockwise around, oregano (the dark green), Italian parsley, basil, tomatoes (probably cherry tomatoes, can't be sure because they grew themselves from the compost) and corn. Then (left to right in the middle) there are strawberries hiding under the tomato/basil, capsicum, a row of spring onions and a little rosemary cutting that I am hoping will grow.

I love those spring onions because I recently discovered you could re-grow such things from the base of the ones you buy in the store. Revelation! I've also got a lettuce (still inside) that is doing just that. I'm hoping to plant it soon.

Hiding at the other end of the garden bed is (left to right) thyme (too small to see but definitely alive and well), parsley and some lavender. You can't see it in these photos, but you can in the top one, there is a pumpkin vine and some more corn in the yellow pot, and in the big round pot we have a blueberry tree. Yay! The little green pot in the middle has some flower seedlings that I'm not sure will survive because a kid at mothers group got excited and tipped the entire pot over. We scooped it all back in, but still not sure what survived.

And that is my garden update. I hope you have some small amount of green in your life that brings you as much joy as this green brings me.

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